Sunan al-Kubra Bayhaqi, Publish: Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyah, Beirut, Lebanon
Jabir bin Abdullah says that on the day battle of Uhad a person was buried along with my father, i wasnt happy on this, i took my father out and buried at another place, Jabir bin Abduallah says that i took my father our and except the year ‘every part of the body was fine and perfect as before’, Imam Bayhaqi says from another Sanad. Jabir bin Abdullah says that I buried a person along with my father, so some thing came into my heart, and after six months i took it out, ‘except only a few hairs of beard all other parts of body was as before’. [Sunan al-Kubra, Bayhaqi, Volume 004, Chapter No. 141, Page No. 95, Hadith Number 7076-7077]