Q l: How many ”Faraa-id” (obligatory ants) are there in Ghusl (bath)?
A. There are three obligatory acts in Ghusl. The Ghusl will not be valid if any Fard is left out.
1. To gargle and wash the mouth in such a way that the watch reaches each and every part of the mouth.
2. To sniff up water into the nostrils. The water should reach the soft portion of the nostrils and no hair remains dry.
3. To wash the whole body from head to toe (sole) ensuring that the water flows on each and every part and limb of the body including the hairs.
Q 2: What is the Sunnat method of Ghusl?
A. The Sunnat method of Ghusl is:-
1) to wash both hands upto the wrists thrice
2) to wash the private parts whether any filth is there or not
3) to remove and wash if there is any filth on any part of the body
4) to perform Wudu like that of prayer omitting the washing of feet. Wash the feet if taking bath on a low-wooden-seat or on cemented floor
5) to anoint the water on the whole body with the hands like oil particularly in winter
6) to pour water on the right shoulder and then on the left three times
7) to pour water on the head and over the whole body thrice
8) after completing the Ghusl course get aside from the place where Ghusl was done
9) wash the feet if not washed earlier
10) not to face the Qiblah
11) to rub the hands on the whole body to wipe the water
12) to take bath at such place where the private parts of the body are not open to other’s views if not possible then cover the body from the navel down to the knees
13) neither talk to anybody nor recite any supplication
14) to put on cloths soon after the Ghusl is over and
15) it is better for women to take bath sitting.
Q 3: Is any quantity of water fixed for Ghusl and Wudu?
A. How can a particular quantity of water be fixed for everybody. One is tall and the other is short. One has long hair on the head and even on the whole body and the other is bald and has no hair on the body. Everybody should use water according to his need. Extravagance in use of water is unlawful.
Q 4: What is he called who needs Ghusl?
A. He who needs bath (for whom bath becomes obligatory [Fard]) is called ”Junbi” (polluted) and the ”cause” due to which the Ghusl becomes obligatory is called ”Janaabat” (pollution). [It may be caused by emission of semen during sleep or with lust or sexual intercourse between husband and wife with or without emission of sperm and (for women) caused by ”Haiz” (menstruation) and ”Nifaas” (post-delivery bleeding)].
Q 5: What is ”Masnoon” method of taking bath in river or pond?
A. The ”Masnoond’ (as practised by the Holy Prophet) method of taking bath in flowing water is that one should stay in river or canal for some time all Sunnats of Ghusl will be fulfilled. Standing in rain will also serve the purpose as the raining water falls within the parameter of flowing water. I f one takes bath in pond he should move oneself thrice or change the place in pond three times. So is the case with Wudu. One should keep his parts of the body in flowing water for some time and in case of stagnant (clean) water move them or change the place.